Sunday, August 19, 2012

In My Footsteps: Early Morning Workout

Wakie Wakie... It's gonna be a bright sunny day :) 

It's been a long time since I've been working out of any sort and even longer since I've been to the park.  Today is a new day.  Woke up early and went for a morning stroll.  Managed to cover 4.5km which isn't bad for my first day back.  

Luckily, I was able to capture the sun rising over the lake.  Beautiful isn't it?  

What do you do after a morning stroll?  It's time for breakfast!

I love this coffee place.  It is actually in a market located in front of the park.  You get fresh roasted coffee and its inexpensive too. I'm having an iced cappuccino. 

Next is the food department.

Not exactly sure what its called but its basically fried eggs.  Healthy and filling too.  It has sausages, mince pork, carrots, corn, and other stuff that don't know what they call in English. Sorry :(

The market has lots of places where you can get breakfast along with fresh produce and other ready made dishes. 

Location: Suan Luang Rama IX Park, Bangkok, Thailand

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