Sunday, August 19, 2012

In My Footsteps: 24hrs in Shanghai

It's coming towards the end of the year and my travel schedule is packed again.

Today I'm off to Shanghai for a whole 24HOURS!! Wow! Yep, I was bored of my bedroom so decided that it would be an interesting experience to change to a 5 star hotel room instead. :) truth is: I have an early business meeting the next day and really want to be back home asap. Hence, 24hours.

You can say that I'm spoilt when it comes to my business travels.... The pictures say it all.

Time for some bubbly and light reading before take off.....

Then a lovely chauffeur to take me to my hotel. It doesn't get better than BMW series 7 plus wifi in the car!

Finally reach the hotel for the night. Instead of the usual welcome drink, I got welcome tea... Chinese-style. Still need to finish off some work so I'm hoping that I'll get a few hours sleep before I head off to early morning meeting.

Won't have time to do any sightseeing but I'll try to do the best I can. Luckily, I should have time for sightseeing when I come back next month.

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