Saturday, May 26, 2012

Foodies Alert: Cupcakes Galore

Have you ever tried one of those cupcakes where the cream is super buttery and thick?  Likes its just way too much that you have to actually scrap half off to the side? 

I have to tell you that this is the best cupcake I have never had (EVER!!) 

I actually copied the 2nd picture from her facebook so the quality may not be good.  I ate everything before I was able to take a pic.  Anyways, my friend Patty made these cupcakes for my birthday.  These particular ones have coconut filling.  Honestly, I only drink coconut water and some limit desserts where it is used.  If I had a choice, I would never pick coconut cake or cupcakes.  But! Patty's cupcakes are seriously over the top where I will eat 1-2 cups of these.  She also has a chocolate one called Triple C. Oh, its the best one that I've tried of hers.

Going back to the cream part, she doesn't use any butter.  Don't know what ingredients she puts but the fresh cream is yummy and light.  If anyone ever had Japanese desserts, its a bit more heavy than the Japanese version of fresh cream.

I'll come back and share on more online bakeries for you ^-^


  1. hi tobbie, she probably just used whipped cream with sugar, and also please help me out by following me, my site is new like urs and its so lonely when no one comments on my posts :(

  2. lol, reading this,(don't know why I'm reading this) I really sound so sad, but i'm still pretty lonely. sorry for this really randomn comment, I promise it'll be the last random comment for a long while. :)
