Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Another day but a year older!!

It's my birthday 

While most people would out and about celebrating, I'm actually laying low.  My friends know that if they don't organize a party for me the day would just go pass by as another day of the year.  Actually my party is happening on Saturday.  It sucks that my birthday is midweek.  However, it is a good excuse to cut my week shorter. 

The main aim of today was not to celebrate that I'm a year older (so sad) but more of being thankful for all the things I have.  Started off the day by offering food to the monks (ตักบาตร) then I headed off to the fresh market to find fish.  Maybe it is just a Buddhist thing, I'm not sure.  The reason why I went to the fresh market is to find and buy live fish that would have been someone's dinner.  Technically, I'm saving an animal's life which in this case is fish (ปล่อยปลา) along with eels and snails.  Good deed huh?  

Just remember to make the most of each year.  You aren't young forever so do everything that you want to now because who knows what will happen next year :) 

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