Tuesday, May 29, 2012

In My Footsteps: Bollywood Day1

First Indian meal

Only managed to take these because I ate the others immediately or they served us individually. Indian food is an intense and very heavy meal.
Intense = lots of spices & strong flavors
Heavy = it's all about the curries and naan/roti

Naan is my favorite (located on top right). Butter, garlic naan....oh my! How many breathe mints will I need?!?!

Not sure what the big pic on bottom left is called. Also good. Made of crispy roti and has masala and fresh onions on top. It's a starter.

The 2 pics on the top left and bottom right are Indian desserts: kulfi (condensed milk ice cream with fuloda) and rasmali (spongy milk thing with fresh milk and pistachios). Super sweet but yummy:)

In My Footsteps: Bollywood 0.5

Getting on the plane!!! Although I'm gone only for 55hrs, it's a long 55hrs. Mumbai here I come :P

Ouu just look at the amount of people waiting to board. Luckily, I'm taking business class! Yippeeee bigger seats and better meal!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Foodies Alert: Cupcakes Galore

Have you ever tried one of those cupcakes where the cream is super buttery and thick?  Likes its just way too much that you have to actually scrap half off to the side? 

I have to tell you that this is the best cupcake I have never had (EVER!!) 

I actually copied the 2nd picture from her facebook so the quality may not be good.  I ate everything before I was able to take a pic.  Anyways, my friend Patty made these cupcakes for my birthday.  These particular ones have coconut filling.  Honestly, I only drink coconut water and some limit desserts where it is used.  If I had a choice, I would never pick coconut cake or cupcakes.  But! Patty's cupcakes are seriously over the top where I will eat 1-2 cups of these.  She also has a chocolate one called Triple C. Oh, its the best one that I've tried of hers.

Going back to the cream part, she doesn't use any butter.  Don't know what ingredients she puts but the fresh cream is yummy and light.  If anyone ever had Japanese desserts, its a bit more heavy than the Japanese version of fresh cream.

I'll come back and share on more online bakeries for you ^-^

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Foodies Alert: Pancake Cafe

Pancakes are more than just breakfast food 

Pancake Cafe would be heaven for anyone with a sweet tooth (me! me! me!).  The decor of the cafe is really girly and cute.  The main color theme is pink with some black decor. Sorry that I don't have actually pics inside the cafe (forgot :S)  They actually have both plain pancakes, choco pancakes, and waffles.  So, customers are able to select based on their likings.

Anyways, I ordered 2 dishes.
1) Sweet Dreams :: Pancakes with fresh strawberries, whipped cream, and vanilla ice cream.
First impression is that it was alright.  I got a flashback to Secret Garden's infamous Vanilla Crepe Cake.  Now that is really delicious.  It is delicious but it didn't find anything super outstanding.  The strawberry sauce on top was actually good but Secret Garden got the sauce spot on! Maybe it would have tasted better as a waffle?

2) Panoffee:: It is a pancake twist to the typical banoffee pie.  This one uses choco pancake batter with bananas, caramel, and whipped cream on top then vanilla ice cream to the side.  I actually expected it to be proper pancakes but the texture is more brownie or cake-like mix.  Not fluffy like pancakes.  Nevertheless, this is delicious.  They poured a bit too much caramel at the bottom but no problem.  I still wiped the plate clean.

There are actually lots of other stuff on the menu which looks absolutely yummy.  May come back here again so I can go through the entire menu once.  Thinking about it, the choco pancake seems to be like their chocolate lava mix (I had it the previous time I was here).

All in all, definitely a must try for people with a sweet tooth.

 Location: Paradise Park
Other branches: Nawamin City Avenue, The Circle Ratchapruk, Siam Paragon, Int Intersection Rama3

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Another day but a year older!!

It's my birthday 

While most people would out and about celebrating, I'm actually laying low.  My friends know that if they don't organize a party for me the day would just go pass by as another day of the year.  Actually my party is happening on Saturday.  It sucks that my birthday is midweek.  However, it is a good excuse to cut my week shorter. 

The main aim of today was not to celebrate that I'm a year older (so sad) but more of being thankful for all the things I have.  Started off the day by offering food to the monks (ตักบาตร) then I headed off to the fresh market to find fish.  Maybe it is just a Buddhist thing, I'm not sure.  The reason why I went to the fresh market is to find and buy live fish that would have been someone's dinner.  Technically, I'm saving an animal's life which in this case is fish (ปล่อยปลา) along with eels and snails.  Good deed huh?  

Just remember to make the most of each year.  You aren't young forever so do everything that you want to now because who knows what will happen next year :) 

Foodies Alert: Starbucks Mocha Cookie Crumble Frapp

It's been released for a few weeks already ( at least for where I live) but Starbucks came out with a new frappuccino: Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino

What is in it?

It is your basic mocha frap but with cookie crumbles and chocolate whipped cream.  Too simple of an explanation right?  Out of all honestly, it is just like your typical blended drink with oreos in it.  Not an OMG drink that I need to have everyday.  There were too little cookie crumbles for my liking.  I would have preferred loads of cookie crumbles but that is just me.  Would I order this again at Starbucks?  Highly doubt it.  Though blended drinks are perfect for the hot summers.  (Its about 40C here. Dying in the heat!)

By the way, if you register your Starbucks card, they actually send a postcard in the mail for you to try it out for FREE! Yes this was a freebie drink :) happy me!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

In my footsteps

One of the best places in Bangkok to just take a break from the chaos outside. It is actually where I sometimes escape to get away from all the traffic too! (You know how bad Bkk traffic can get)
No Filters!

Royal Bangkok Sports Club has been established for over 100 years. Its a members only club though :( The club has full sports facilities along with horse race track ( think they are having one today) and a golf course. I don't play golf so can't tell you how many holes it is. ><

Isn't the view lovely? Lots a greenery and wide open space. The concrete jungle is GONE!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Foodies Alert: Cheesecake Lovers

A girl always has room for dessert 

I heard that this place has really good cheesecake but never had the chance to try it out myself until now.  The bakery's name is: Farm Design.  It is actually from Hokkaido, Japan.  If you don't know the geography of Japan, it is the big island on top of mainland Japan (that has Tokyo & Kobe).  Simple explanation :)  Hokkaido is known for snow, skiing, and their dairy products.

The atmosphere of the bakery is really nice with small seating area.  Though, I think it might be a bit too small. Luckily when I went it wasn't crowded so it wasn't an issue.  Just imagining if it was.

We ordered Choco Moo Cheesecake and Caramel Fudge Cheesecake.  For drinks, I had Iced  Cappuccino.

Let's just say, I went to yummy heaven.  The caramel fudge cheesecake was mine.  It looks like a small piece of cake but really filling.  Some people may think that the caramel fudge is too sweet.  Considering I have a sweet tooth, it was perfect.  Plus, I don't like anything too cheesecaky. (Then again, why am I having cheesecake).

I actually tried to find more out Farm Design before writing this blog but couldn't find out much. Sorry.

Location: Terminal 21

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Obsessions: Armparty

Been trying to mix and match my bracelets lately and this is the results. Love or loath?

Quick Notd too! Gold shimmer polish from Skinfood. Borrowed it from my cousin but never returned it >< couldn't find it in the Skinfood shop near me. The solution gets a bit sticky after a while so you will need to keep a thinner handy.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Life is random

Just a quick complaint. Recently I've been uploading these blogs from my phone since I don't have access to a laptop (yes amazingly I don't own one). I find it a but difficult to navigate. You really need Blogging for Dummies when it comes to me. I just went to view an old blog and it prompt me to only edit and save :( confusing. Why isn't there just a simple back, don't save button. Ok, enough complaints. Don't want to sound like some old granny :P hehehe

Foodies Alert

Sorry for disappearing. I actually just came back from Shanghai a few days ago so still trying to catch up on sleep.
Sadly, I didn't get any time to venture out into the city. Last time I came here, I had the best xiao long bao ever!! (For those who don't know, xiao long bao is like dimsum with a bit of soup inside. Yummy heaven!! Therefore, I definitely had to return to the same restaurant: Din Tai Fong :) It is actually a Taiwanese restaurant chain but who cares. As long as I have delicious food in my tummy, I'm good to go.