Saturday, November 17, 2012

Review: Dialogue in the Dark

An hour as a blind person

We live out our days working, watching movies, driving, and hanging out with friends.  We tend to forget that there are a group of people who aren't has privileged as us.  

Dialogue in the Dark is a great example of how 'normal' people can experience what is it like to be blind.  We use our eyes everyday but forgot how really important they are.  I wish I had 20/20 vision, on the other hand, just being able to see with the innovation of prescription eyeglasses is already more than I can ask for.  Just imagine what it would be like 200 years ago. 

Before you enter the exhibition, the personnel will ask you to take off all objects reflecting light along with any valuables.  (There is a locker provided).  After that, you will be given walking sticks.  

I would actually recommend doing this with a few friends.  At least you can share the experience.  Plus, it can be quite scary at first when you enter the rooms.

Then someone will walk you through a pitch dark hallway and you will be greeted by your guide.  The entire experience takes about an hour.  The guide will take you through various rooms where you can experience things that we usually experience in daily life as a blind person.

Dialogue in the Dark does various exhibitions around the world so check out the one closest to you!
Go to their website for more information: