Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Randomness: Halloween 2012

Ready for Halloween?

Ok, Halloween weekend has already passed so all the adults could have fun but now it's time for the kids to start trick or treating? Later, resulting in sugar high from all the candy.

Its been a while since I had a proper Halloween. Don't even remember what was my costume. Anyways, it's time to start carving the pumpkins.

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Randomness: Moustache/ Mustache fever

Looks like its been going on for a few months already but I finally decided to change my Iphone case to go with my moustache screen saver.

I've actually seen another case where its ballerinas and the tutus are moustaches.  Super cute! 

Another random fact: I write moustache in a British way even though I have an American education. Weird!?!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Foodies Alert: Baan Ying Cafe & Meal

This is another place which I love to go for a simple and delicious meal.

Baan Ying (บ้านหญิง) takes your normal home-cooked Thai meal to another level.  It's amazing.  Some people may say that its a bit of fusion Thai food rather than traditional.  All I know is that I love their food.

There are two branches that I know of:
1. Siam Square (moved from Lido to Siamkit building)
2. Terminal 21
(I heard there is also one at MegaBangna but I haven't been or seen it yet)

This is a bit of the atmosphere of the restaurant at Siamkit building.  It is located on the basement level near the escalator.  It is a wide open space.  However, it can get very loud and crowded especially during lunch time.

I started off with a Hazelnut Latte.  It's not too sweet or bitter for me which is good.  I usually take my coffee quite sweet to have the perfect balance with the bitterness of the coffee.

One of the most basic things to order is their omelette.  It is one of their most well-known dishes.  There are actually different toppings that you can pick from.  This one is 1. Meat Sauce, 2. Mushroom, and 3. Cheese.

Also listed under the Recommended list is another dish that I always order: shrimp stir-fry with garlic and chilli.  If you can't eat very spicy food, I would suggest asking them to put in less chilli.  Trust me, a little bit of chilli changes the taste and is a lot more delicious.

Honestly, I only managed to take 2 photos of the dishes I ate.  Everything else was gone in a blink of an eye.  From all the dishes I've had their so far, no one of them have disappointed me.  You just can't go wrong.

Anyways, what meal wouldn't be complete without dessert!  There is always room for dessert.

This is their green tea cake.  I would have to say that it isn't a 100% green tea cake because it has some brownie or blueberry type filling inside.  I can't remember exactly now but its not proper green tea cake.  One of my friends said that they don't make their own desserts so I would recommend just sticking to the food.

Overall, I love this restaurant and would recommend it to anyone.  The price is not bad too.  It usually comes up to about 300THB (USD10) per person, depending on how much you eat.  Each dish is about 100-200THB.  You can order to share or have your own individual dish.